June 8, 2023

The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Cordell Pearson. Council Members attending were: Shane Robinson, and Shirl Fox, and  Kristi Westwood.  Stacie Gass was excused.  Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.

Public attendees were: Terecea Westwood, Kelly Chappell, Michael Naser, Merlin J. Robinson, Celeste Hamm, Kirk Fullmer, Todd Graff, LuAnn Graff, Mike Cox, Holli Cox, Troy Kennedy, Sydney Wells, Scott Peterson, Rex Waddington, Becky Robinson, and David Lee.

Mayor Pearson led the pledge, and Shirl offered the prayer to open the proceedings. Kristi made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 11, 2023 meeting.  Shane seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Pearson opened the Public Hearing for FY2024 Budget.  The FY2024 Budget was looked over and talked about line by line.  Kristi made a motion to accept the budget.  Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.  

Mayor Pearson closed the Public Hearing.  

Todd Graff was in attendance asking for a site permit for his property west of the cemetery.  He is wanting to put a shed on his 5-acre property.  Shirl made a motion to approve the site permit.  Shane seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Todd Graff was also asking for a water meter for his property.  The nearest water line is the main line coming down from the head house.  It was discussed how to go about getting a water meter to the property.  The line would go through BLM.  He is going to contact the BLM and see what the process is to get that going.  

Next on the agenda, Scott D. Peterson was wanting a water meter.  He wants to put an agriculture meter on the corner lot across from his house.  Shirl made a motion to approve the meter, and Kristi seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Holli Cox was next on the agenda.  Mike and Holli are wanting to put a shed on their property.  Shirl made a motion to approve the site permit. Kristi seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.  

Kelly Chappell and Michael Naser were in attendance to discuss the bid for the water project.  There were 5 bids that came in.  Dale Cox Contracting out of Manti was the low bid on the tank.  Barton Excavating was the low bid on the well house, water lines, and Cottonwood Spring.  The total bid for the tank contract was $1,316,115.  The remaining projects were bid for $1,440,196.  With all the expenses that need to be paid for, the project will come in under budget. Shane motioned to approve the mentioned bid, and Krisi seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.  

Kelly also had an update on the well.  The well has been being drilled and the target depth was 400 feet. Static water level is at 57 feet below the casing.  The drilling rig will now be moved and the pumping crew will move in.  Tests will be run to determine how much water can be pumped per minute.  Those test results will be sent to the State.  

The mayor called on those not on the agenda. There were none.  

Piute County has an ambulance chassis that by law can be given to municipalities without it going to bid. The chassis is a 1 ton chassis, low mileage, 4- wheel drive.  The Board discussed what it could be used for.  

They decided there was no need for it.

The Planning and Zoning Committee met earlier and decided they will start meeting on the 4th Thursday of every month.  Site permits will now start going through them first for a recommendation for approval from the Town Board.  Please contact David Lee at 435-590-4279 to get on the Planning and Zoning agenda for a site permit.  

The Mayor opened the floor to the Departments.

Road Department: Shirl is working on getting some flashing crossing guard signs to go by the RV Park south of town.  

Parks and Recreation/Economic Development:  Kristi has everything set for the 4th of July scheduled.  The theme is “Made in America”.  

The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council.  Kristi made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn;  Shane seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm.

[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]