October 13, 2022

The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:02 PM by Mayor Cordell Pearson. Council Members attending were: Shane Robinson, Stacie Gass, Kristi Westwood, and Shirl Fox. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.

Public attendees were: Sharon Kiser, Lonnie Kiser, Rex Waddington, Natalie Remund, Saige Remund, Rikki Cannon, Mark Cannon, Michael Naser,Carma Brindley, Sidney Wells, and Scott Peterson.

Mayor Pearson led the pledge and Mekeisia offered the prayer to open the proceedings. Kristi made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 8, 2022 meeting. Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

First on the agenda was Mark Cannon.  He was asking for a water meter.  He has a piece of property on the north end of town.  He wants to trade the property for a meter. The land can be used for a Welcome to Circleville sign.  Shirl made a motion to approve the meter.  Kristi seconded and the motion passed.  The property trade will be discussed at the November Board meeting

Natalie Remund was in attendance for a business license for an AirBNB they have fixed up.  Stacie made a motion to approve the business license.  Kristi seconded.  The motion passed unanimously with Shirl in opposition.

Next, Carma was on the agenda.  She was also wanting a business license for an AirBNB.  Stacie made a motion to approve the license, and Kristi seconded.  The motion passed unanimously with Shirl in opposition.

The mayor called on those not on the agenda. There were none.

Michael Naser was here to discuss the water project update.  The land use agreements have been signed.  The well cannot be started until the Preliminary Engineering Report is received.  The Board discussed the time frame for the project.  

The owner’s of the Post Office building are planning on redoing their parking lot.  They are wondering about installing a sidewalk in front while the parking lot is torn up.  The Board discussed it. If more information is provided, it will be discussed again. 

Maintenance on 930 south has been brought up.  It was discussed at the last meeting and it has been determined that Circleville Town receives the B&C Road funds for the road.  The county has been grading the road for us.  It has been graded in the last month. 

Shirl has a bid for a brush for the tractor for $8,000.  Shirl made a motion to approve the purchase, and Shane seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.  

The Mayor opened the floor to the Departments.

Fire Department:  A new firework trailer has been purchased.  

Roads Department: Shirl had some road signs that needed to be made up. The State Road is going to fix the approaches on the south end of Main Street.

Planning and Zoning/Cemetery:  Stacie would like to get working on the new cemetery fence.  She would also like to update the policies and ordinances there.

Parks & Recreation/Economic Development:  The maintenance on the old pavilion was discussed.  It was discussed if the School District or the Town should maintain it.  Troy is going to work on it a little bit.  The Town Thanksgiving dinner is scheduled for November 10, 2022.  It will be at the Circleville Elementary gym at 6pm.

The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Stacie made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Shane seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:19.

[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]