May 13, 2021

The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:01 PM by Mayor Koby Willis.  Council Members attending were: Kristi Westwood, and Kirk Fullmer, Shane Robinson and Shirl Fox.  Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.

Public attendees were: Lonnie and Sharon Kiser, Rex Waddington, Laurel Myers, Mike Haaland, Rob Hack, and Larry Olinger.

Mayor Willis led the pledge and offered the prayer to open the proceedings.  Kirk made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 8, 2021 meeting. Shane seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.   

First on the agenda, Bryce Dalton was wanting a site permit for a cabin on his lot.  Kirk made a motion to approve the site permit.  Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Next, Myers Family Dental was here for some renovations on the Dental Clinic and a business license for Professional Dental of Circleville, LLC.  Rob Hack was here as a partner with Myers Family Dental.  He is wanting to add more permanent plumbing for the dental equipment.  Kirk made a motion to approve the improvements.  Shane seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Larry Olinger was wanting a site permit next.  He is wanting to build a shop and put a home on the property.  Shane made a motion to approve the site permit, and Kirk seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Next on the agenda, Curtis Bleak was wanting a water meter.  Curtis wasn’t in attendance.  The water meter was tabled until next month.

The mayor called on those not on the agenda.  There were none. 

Mike Haaland was in attendance wanting a new business license for Mike’s Arcade.  The current one was lost in the fire.

The Community Center grand piano was discussed next.  The Piano Guys are coming to Piute High School to perform for the School District employees in August.  They need a baby grand piano for their performance.  The Piute School District is looking to either rent or buy the piano.  It was discussed that the Town would be willing to sell it.  A price will be negotiated and looked at during a later meeting.  Shirl made a motion to rent the piano to the School District for the summer.  Kristi seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. 

Stacie Gass has obtained some Outdoor Recreation grants for bathrooms at the softball field.  The grants are not enough to cover the restrooms.  The mayor proposed that the School District would cover Troy’s pay if he would help build the restrooms.  The Town would hire someone to help with Troy’s town duties.  

Next, the 2021-2022 preliminary budget was looked at.  The Mayor went through each line item with the Board.

The updated Water Policy was next.  It was changed to say if the water is shut off, payment in full plus a $50 reconnect fee will be required to resume water usage.  Kristi made a motion to approve the new Water Policy, and Shirl seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Water conservation was discussed next.  The Board would like to encourage its citizens to conserve water by limiting their outside watering.  

The parking lots have been crack sealed, and they will be back in June to do the seal coating and painting. 

The Mayor opened the floor to the Departments:

Fire:  Mike Haaland would like to thank everyone who showed up to help with the fire at Mike’s Arcade.

Water:  The 470 North water line will be finished up this week.

Road Department:  Shirl has been in discussion with LongPoint Consulting.  LongPoint would like to get Circleville Town on a schedule for what roads need to be fixed when.  They have submitted a bid for the project.  This will be discussed in the June meeting when Darin Cottam can attend.

Parks and Recreation:  The 4th of July theme will be “Proud To Be an American”, and it will be celebrated on Saturday, July 3.  

The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Kirk made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn;  Shane seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.

[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]