August 11, 2022

The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:01PM by Mayor Cordell Pearson. Council Members attending were: Shane Robinson, Shirl Fox, Stacie Gass, and Kristi Westwood. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.

Public attendees were: Krista Dalton, Rex Waddington, Scott Peterson, Sharon Kiser, Lonnie Kiser, and Keith Case.

Mayor Pearson led the pledge and Mekeisia offered the prayer to open the proceedings. Shane made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 14, 2022 meeting. Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Tera Spencer was first on the agenda.  They have purchased a home and would like a business license for an AirBNB.  Kristi made a motion to approve the business license.  Shane seconded, and the motion passed with Shirl being in opposition.  

Next, Krista Dalton was asking for a water meter for farther back on their property.  Shirl made a motion, and Stacie seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

The mayor called on those not on the agenda. 

Keith Case was in attendance wanting a business license.  He will be put on the September agenda.  

The Water Project was discussed next.  They are hoping to get started drilling the well as soon as possible.  

There were two bids received to replace the lights in the Community Center.  The Board looked the bids over and discussed the different options.  

Cement at the new town park was discussed next.  The Board looked over the two bids that have been received.  Stacie made a motion for Bedrock Concrete to do the concrete work.  Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimous.

The Town janitor was discussed.  There were three applicants.  Shane made a motion to approve Marily Bencomo as the new town janitor.  Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.  Stacie made a motion to increase the janitor pay to $12 an hour, and Shane seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.  

The Mayor opened the floor to the Departments.

Fire Department:  The tubes for letting off fireworks are beginning to fall apart.  Mayor Pearson is going to talk to the wood shop about replacing the broken ones.

Planning & Zoning/Cemetery: Kendall Dalton has written a letter requesting to put a bench at the cemetery by his parents’ grave.  They are wanting to check the site out and see where they want to put the bench.  This will be discussed at the next meeting. Nadean Houston has donated $500 to the cemetery.  The Town Board would like to thank her for their donation.

Road Department:   Shirl got three different bids on a tractor.  The Board discussed if purchasing a tractor was feasible.  This will be discussed at the September meeting.

The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Stacie made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:18PM.

[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]