January 3, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 6:04 PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Priscilla Morgan, Mike Dalton, and Shirl Fox. Kirk Fullmer was excused for the meeting. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were Brynlee Whittaker, Jeff Albrecht, Matt Whittaker, and Jade Dalton.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Next, the Mayor asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the meeting held December 12, 2018. There were none. Priscilla made a motion to accept the minutes; Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
First on the agenda was swearing in of new Town Council member Mike Dalton. Mekeisia swore him in.
Brynlee Whittaker was here from the Youth Town Council. She reported on their December 2018 meeting.
Next on the agenda was the Water Master Plan. Jeff Albrecht updated the council on the progress of the Water Master Plan. The deadline for an application for the Division of Water Rights is February 6. If the town wants to apply for a grant, this needs to be done by then.
The Planning and Zoning Ordinance was discussed next. It will be voted on at the February 13th meeting.
Next was the Building Lease Agreement. The school district is need of additional classroom space. The School District has proposed to lease a room in the Circleville Community Center for a classroom. They presented a lease agreement to the Council. Priscilla made a motion to approve the lease agreement with the mentioned change. Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments. Sheriff’s Department:The Planning and Zoning Ordinance was discussed with Matt Whittaker.
Water Department: There is a water leak in the Riverside Subdivision. The leak has been worked on and the rest of repair will have to wait until the weather warms up.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Priscilla made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]
February 13, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:01 PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Priscilla Morgan, Mike Dalton, Shirl Fox, and Kirk Fullmer. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were Mike Haaland, Kyle Morgan, Lynn Morgan, Michael King, Morgan Eliason, Lance Eliason, Dan Springer, Shane Erickson, Dana Erickson, Craig Blake, Dave Hamm, Matt Whittaker and Tanja Martin.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and Priscilla offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Next, the Mayor asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the meeting held January 3, 2018. There were none. Shirl made a motion to approve the minutes; Priscilla seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
First on the agenda, was a site permit for Michael King. He was asking to build three more buildings on his commercial property. Priscilla made a motion to approve the site permit. Kirk seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Next on the agenda, Kyle Morgan was here representing the Circleville Town Youth Council. He is also looking for an Eagle Scout Project. Some different options were discussed. A list will be provided for Eagle Scout projects available.
Lance and Morgan Eliason were next. They are asking for a site permit to build a new house. Kirk Fullmer made a motion to approve the site permit. Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
James King was next. He is a licensed trail guide with the state of Utah. He is wanting to do a Poker Run ATV/UTV ride in May 2019. They are wanting to donate the funds raised back to Circleville to build kiosks for maps and improve the trails.
Craig Blake from Snow College’s Small Business Development Center spoke next. He offered different classes on how to help small businesses grow and improve. These classes are available at Snow College, or he can be reached to teach individual classes. He can be reached at 435-893-2252.
A grate for the box drain at 100 E and HWY 89 was discussed. Shirl is going to look into building a new one to install there. Four miles of road in Circleville Canyon is going to be redone this summer. The town has been approached for leasing water for the job. The council will wait and see who got the bid to move forward.
Next, the council discussed the 2019 CIB Projects List. Water projects will be added to the one year list. The other projects will remain on the list.
The Planning and Zoning Ordinance was discussed next. The council discussed the Ordinance. Six County has offered to read and offer suggestions on the Ordinance. The board would like for that to happen. They will discuss is again after they receive the suggestions.
Six County would like to offer their HEAT Assistance program. If someone is having trouble paying their heating bill, they can contact Six County for assistance.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments.
Fire Department: The burn pile needs to be burned again.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Kirk made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 pm.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]
March 14, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:01 PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Priscilla Morgan, Mike Dalton, and Kirk Fullmer. Shirl Fox was excused. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were Kelly Cummings, Dave Hamm, Kate Morgan, Jeff Albrecht, Kyle Morgan, Gavin Morgan, and Lynn Morgan.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and Mike offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Kirk made a motion to approve the minutes from February 13, 2019. Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
First, Mike Cox was on the agenda for a site permit. He is wanting to put a house on his lot. Kirk made a motion to approve it. Priscilla seconded it, and the motion passed unanimously.
The mayor called on those not on the agenda.
Kyle Morgan is wanting to put cement for flags to be placed on veterans’ graves at the cemetery for his Eagle Scout project. Gavin Morgan is looking for a list of Eagle Scout Projects.
Circleville’s 155th birthday is March 28. The council discussed a town birthday party. They will have a town potluck dessert. Kelly Cummings and Becky Robinson are willing to help with the party.
The town Easter Egg Hunt was discussed next. The Youth Council is willing to help with it in any way.
Jeff Albrecht was next on the agenda for the Water Master Plan. He had some information from the Division of Drinking Water on a grant versus a loan. The Division of Drinking Water Board is meeting April 9 to determine who receives grants. The mayor will be attending that meeting with Jeff.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments.
Fire Department: The burn pile needs to be burned again.
Town Maintenance: Dave has fixed a door at the town building and another one is needing to be fixed. He is getting ready to patch the roads.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Kirk made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]
April 11, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Priscilla Morgan, Mike Dalton, Kirk Fullmer, and Shirl Fox. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were Joe Dalton, Tanner Dalton, Geordin Gass, Myndi Morgan, Abby Morgan, Suzie Clark, Garrett Clark, Heidi Jensen, Aubrie Davis, Tyree King, Sharon Ramos, Jaden Westwood, Nada Dutson, Kailani Barlow, Ruth Broadbent, and Kenzie Sudweeks.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and Priscilla offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Kirk made a motion to approve the minutes from March 14, 2019. Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
First on the agenda was the Piute High School FBLA. There were several members of FBLA attending the meeting. They have 22 students qualified for Nationals. They were willing to help plant flowers and wash the fire truck for funds to be donated. Priscilla made a motion for $700 to be donated. Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Kyle Morgan was next on the agenda for his Eagle Scout Project. He is doing flag pole holders for the veterans graves in the cemetery. Kirk made a motion to approve the scout project and fund the cement and PVC pipe. Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Nada Dutson was next. She is asking for a site permit for a sewing and office building. Priscilla made a motion to approve the site permit. Shirl seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Up next, Tanner Dalton was presenting his Eagle Scout project. He is wanting to do some work at the Birch Creek Pavilion. He is wanting to do a new fire pit and new benches around the fire pit. He is also wanting to do a new flag pole. Mike made a motion to approve the project and fund $1,370.00, and Priscilla seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Jaden Westwood presented his Eagle Scout Project next. He is wanting to build a kiosk for businesses to promote their business at Butch Cassidy’s boyhood home. Priscilla made the motion to approve the project. Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Jade Dalton was next for a site permit. He is wanting to put an addition on his house. Kirk made a motion to approve. Priscilla seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Kristy Westwood is planning the Easter Egg hunt this year. It will be held April 20. The council would like to thank her for her help.
The State of Utah conducted an inspection on the bridges in town. The council looked over the report of the findings. The State gave some recommendations on how to upkeep the bridges.
Mayor Willis met with Zach Leavitt from Six County on the Planning and Zoning Ordinance. He gave some ideas to improve the approval of site permits.
The council would like to schedule a Town Clean up day. They will schedule it for next month, and they will try to get the main street project organized to incorporate that into the clean up day.
The Mayor and town council would like to thank Becky Robinson and Kelly Cummings for their help with the Town Birthday Party. We feel like it was a successful night and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments.
Water Department: There is a leak on north main street that they are trying to fix. There are some water meters that need to be replaced, and Mike and Shane are working on replacing them.
Road Department: Shirl received some bids for to fix the concrete dip on 300 North and 100 East.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Priscilla made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 pm.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]
May 9, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Priscilla Morgan, Mike Dalton, Kirk Fullmer, and Shirl Fox. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were Lonnie and Sharon Kiser, Sheryl Thomson, Ruth Broadbent, Nada Dutson, Kip Kilburn, Hilery Morgan, Myndi Morgan, Darin Bushman, Aleshea Willis, Tanja Martin, and Zack Leavitt.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and Shirl Fox offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Kirk made a motion to approve the minutes from April 11, 2019. Priscilla seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
First on the agenda was the Youth Council Scholarship Recognition. Myndi Morgan was presented the scholarship for her participation on the Youth Council. The scholarship was for $300, and was sponsored from the American Spirit Project.
Darin Bushman was attending to talk about Piute County Events. There is interest from multiple parties to have an annual event at Butch Cassidy’s boyhood home. One of the suggestions was to have Butch Cassidy Heritage Days. The board was interested in the event. The board is looking for a volunteer interested in being in charge of this event.
Next on the agenda, Lonnie Kiser is interested in starting a Little Free Library. It is a nonprofit organization where you take a book, share a book, leave a book. He is wanting to put a box out in front of his house for these books. The library would be located at 110 S. Center. Priscilla made a motion to approve the library, and Mike seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.
Kip Kilburn was requesting a site permit. He is wanting to add on to his already existing shop. Kirk made a motion to approve the site permit. Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Zach Leavitt from Six County Association of Government was here to talk about regional planning. He offered to help with the Planning and Zoning Ordinance.
Piute Recreation was requesting a donation for the baseball/softball program. The council offered $250. Priscilla made a motion, and Kirk seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
The community garden was discussed next. The garden is needing to be prepared and planted.
The town is in charge of cleaning the restrooms at Butch Cassidy’s boyhood home. The council discussed possible options of people to do this.
Up next was the fence on 100 west. The fence is going to be a 4 foot fence. The town discussed the town’s right of way for the road.
The preliminary FY20 budget was discussed next.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Kirk made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Priscilla seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:21 pm.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]
June 13, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:01 PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Priscilla Morgan, Mike Dalton, and Kirk Fullmer. Shirl Fox was excused. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were Keanna Severe, John Galinski, Bruce Smith, Travis Hollingshead, Todd Smith, and David Marchant.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and Kirk Fullmer offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Kirk made a motion to approve the minutes from May 9, 2019. Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
First on the agenda was the FY2020 Budget. The council looked over the budget, and Kirk made a motion to approve it. Priscilla seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Keanna Severe was next on the agenda. She was representing the Friki Tiki. They are wanting to have a block party. They will shut down part of 100 E for the party on July 3. The council thought this was a great idea.
Next on the agenda was Tyrel Ivie. He is wanting to do a series of Family Movie Nights throughout the summer. The council liked this idea.
David Marchant was next on the agenda. He is a dentist in Mesquite, and he is wanting to lease part of the Clinic for a dentist office. He will keep looking into the costs and get back with the council.
The Mayor opened the floor to those not on the agenda.
Bruce and Todd Smith were here about their water line to the east of town. The water line has quite a few leaks in it. The town is trying to figure out a plan of action for the water line.
The town discussed installing water meters for our springs. The state is requiring the town to be able to report the reading on these springs.
The board discussed the Piute County Events Coordinator that Darin Bushman talked about last meeting. The town is interested in starting a yearly event. They are looking for volunteers to head such events. If interested, please contact a member of the town board.
Next, the Circleville Canyon Road project was discussed. Piute County road crew is assisting in the project. The town is using the rotomill from the Canyon road and using it on 300 West to HWY 89.
Mayor Willis met with UDOT on Circleville Main Street. Main Street is on the list for UDOT improvements. The plans for the Main Street park strips will not affect what they will be working on.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments.
Water: Water meters on the road the town is fixing will have to be lifted up.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Kirk made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Priscilla seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 pm.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]
July 11, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Shirl Fox, Mike Dalton, and Kirk Fullmer. Priscilla Morgan was excused. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were Scott Dalton, Rick Blackwell, John Galinski, Troy Pearson, Cordell Pearson, and Cooper Larsen.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and Mike offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Kirk made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 13, 2019 meeting. Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Troy Pearson was first on the agenda. Troy is wanting to put some cabins and RV spots south of Butch Cassidy’s. They will discuss the site permit, water meter, and business license at the August meeting.
The Mayor opened the floor to those not on the agenda. There were none.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments.
Planning & Zoning/Cemetery: Cemetery grave decorations were discussed next. The council discussed the policies on how long decorations can stay and where they can be placed. The council will draft a new policy and discuss it more in the August meeting.
The Cemetery water pressure keeps dropping. Shirl had some ideas on how to fix up the spring that supplies the cemetery water.
Road Department: Thank you to Shirl for all the work he did on the rotomill being put on the roads in town.
Water: The water line leaks on 470 south were discussed and how to fix them.
Parks and Recreation: The town council would like to thank all those that helped make the July 4th celebration successful. Bryce and Joe Dalton and their boys for the dynamite. Mekeisia Westwood for the parade. Circleville 1st Ward Boy Scouts for the dinner. CES PTO for the midway and games. James Barney for the softball tournament. The Circleville and Junction Fire Department for the fireworks show. We feel like it was a very successful day.
July 22 there will be a Main Street Service Project. All of the town will be invited to come help with the Park Strips on main street. There is a website called justserve.org. This website has service projects world-wide listed on it.
Some of the new cement in front of the Fire House will be torn up and replaced. Pieces have cracked already.
Fire Department: Dominion Energy will be conducting a training on how to handle a Natural Gas emergency. It will be held July 17 at 6pm at the EMS building in Junction.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Kirk made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 pm.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]
August 8, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:02 PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Shirl Fox, Mike Dalton, Kirk Fullmer, and Priscilla Morgan. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were Becky Robinson, Shane Robinson, and Daren Cottam.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and Priscilla Morgan offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Prior to the meeting the Board met and did training on the Open and Public Meetings Act.
Mike made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 11, 2019 meeting. Kirk seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Wesley Jensen and Quade Gleave were wanting approval for an Eagle Scout Project. It was discussed that they will build a fence around the dumpsters. They are going to come up with options and prices.
Troy Pearson was requesting a site permit, water meter, and business license that was discussed in the July 2019 meeting. Kirk motioned to approve. Shirl seconded, Priscilla recused herself and the motion passed.
The Mayor opened the floor to those not on the agenda. There were none.
Daren Cottam was here to talk to the board about road repair and upkeep. He owns Longpoint Consulting Services. The Board decided to wait a couple of years to have the analysis done.
David Marchant was next on the agenda about leasing the Medical Clinic for a dental office. He has looked into the different plumbing options that are required for a dentist office and will be getting those to the board.
The Main Street decorative rock project was discussed next. The Town Board would like to thank everyone that showed up to help with the first phase. They were very pleased with the turnout and the outcome of the project. They are wanting to schedule another day to work on Main Street again. September 9 at 6 p.m. will be the next service project.
The new concrete at the FireHouse was discussed next. More of the concrete is cracking and needs to be looked at.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments.
Water: The town has rented a backhoe and will be using it to get the water leaks filled around town.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Priscilla made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 pm.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]
September 12, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:04 PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Shirl Fox, Mike Dalton, Kirk Fullmer, and Priscilla Morgan. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were: Joe Dalton, Tanner Dalton, Mike Haaland, Marty Morgan, Geordin Gass and Troy Robinson.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and Mekeisia offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Kirk made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 8, 2019 meeting. Mike seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
First on the agenda, Tanner Dalton was requesting a 2 inch water meter. He is wanting to put a motorcycle race track across the river behind his house. Priscilla made a motion to approve, and Kirk seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
The Mayor opened the floor to those not on the agenda.
Mike Haaland has been posting the minutes online and had some suggestions for the minutes.
Troy Robinson was inquiring about the town maintenance position. The Board is waiting until next spring to open the position.
The Targeted Brownfields Assessment Application was discussed next. The new owner is wanting to turn the old station into an art gallery. She wants to to do an assessment on the property to see what has to be done to clean up the property. This assessment does not obligate the town in any way to perform any of the clean up.
Savage/Albrecht Engineering Invoice #12590 was discussed next. The town has record that that invoice has been paid in full. Jeff Albrecht is checking on the invoice to see if their accountant somehow missed a payment.
The cement work at the fire department was discussed next. The contractor came over and looked at the cement that was cracking. They sealed and put an epoxy on the cement to help with the cracks.
Next was the dental lease at the clinic. Mayor Willis has met with a contractor to see what the process would be to make the clinic ready for a dentist. There are two options. One option is to put the plumbing in the building for each dentist chair. Another option would be to install mobile units that can be used instead of redoing the plumbing. David Marchant would like to have two chairs to start his dental clinic. The board discussed if they would be willing to make an investment in making the building compatible for a dental clinic.
The board is putting together a Town Thanksgiving dinner. They scheduled it for Monday, November 18.
The Lieutenant Governor is coming to Circleville September 26 from 5:15 to 6:00 pm. He will be at the Community Center and the community is invited.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments.
Parks and Recreation: The town would like to thank all those that helped with the Main Street project. There were many that came and helped with equipment, laying plastic, and spreading rocks. They will be finishing the project on Monday, September 23.
Road Department: The town would like to thank Cory Sudweeks, Josh Sudweeks, and Willy Sercu for their help with the concrete dip on 300 North 100 East.
Town Maintenance: The town would like to thank Gavin and Teresa Morgan for their help with the town lawns. They would also like to thank Troy for fixing the water leaks around town.
Water: The board discussed the dormant meters on 470 south past Morgan Ranches. There are 3 dormant meters down there that cannot be used. The new line is too small for anymore meters on that line. The board discussed what to do with those meters. Mike made a motion to move two of the meters for Morgan Ranches. Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The third meter was really old. Mike made a motion to give Morgan Ranches a new meter for the third meter and the Morgan’s will install it. Morgan Ranches will be responsible for the reconnect fee. Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Kirk made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Priscilla seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:11pm.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]
October 10, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 7:02 PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Shirl Fox, Mike Dalton, Kirk Fullmer, and Priscilla Morgan. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were: Troy and Karen Robinson.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and then he offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Kirk made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 12, 2019 meeting. Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
First on the agenda was Tom Crockett. He is wanting to build a new garage behind their house. Priscilla made a motion to approve the permit, and Shirl seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Macey Mortensen was next on the agenda. She wants to open her Esthetics by Macey business. Kirk made a motion. Priscilla seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The Mayor opened the floor to those not on the agenda.
Troy Robinson has been up to the collection boxes at the Wades Canyon Spring. He locked up the boxes that were not locked up. There is water not being collected at the Spring. The town is going to have the water tested to see if we can start collecting it.
The Mayor is working on a new town website. He came up with a new town slogan of “Small Town-Farm Town-Our Town.” Kirk made a motion to approve the slogan, and Shirl seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
The Cemetery grave decorations policy was discussed next. This policy is included with the minutes. Kirk made a motion to approve. Mike seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Next, the updated water policy was discussed next. There were two changes that were made. The 2” water meter will cost $2000. It also defined farm taps vs. residential taps. Priscilla made a motion to revise the policy, Shirl seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
The updated Cemetery Town Fees Policy was discussed next. Cremation plots will be charged full plot price if a headstone will be placed. Priscilla made a motion to approve the policy, Kirk seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
The FY19 Audit Report was looked over. The board discussed the findings and how they would be rectified.
The Piute County Travel Committee is have a meeting Wednesday, October 16 at 6 pm at the Piute County Courthouse.
Resolution 2019-01 was discussed next. This states that the Town of Circleville will not be holding municipal elections in November 2019. Kirk made a motion to approve the Resolution. Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments.
Fire Department: The fire hydrants around town are needing to be flushed.
Road Department: The new rotomill roads are going to be seal coated in the next couple of weeks. Shirl is going to rent a street sweeper and sweep the streets. They are going to fix the pothole on Main Street.
Water: Troy had some water leaks that were on the town side that need to be fixed. He is going to work on them and help get them fixed.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Kirk made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Priscilla seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm.
Cemetery grave decorations must be flush against the cement. If this is not done, the decorations will not be protected while mowing. Any decorations that are not flush against the cement will be removed. Circleville Town will not be held responsible if damage occurs to the decorations. Memorial Day Decorations can be placed the Thursday before and must be removed the Thursday after.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]
November 14, 2019
The regular meeting of the Circleville Town Council was called to order at 6:00PM by Mayor Koby Willis. Council Members attending were: Shirl Fox and Kirk Fullmer. Mike Dalton participated by phone. Priscilla Morgan was excused. Mekeisia Westwood, Town Clerk was also in attendance.
Public attending were: Lonnie Kiser, Garrett Clark, Stacie Gass, and John Murray.
Mayor Willis led the pledge and then Mekeisia offered the prayer to open the proceedings.
Kirk made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 10, 2019 meeting. Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
First on the agenda was the Christmas Bonus for the Clerk. The mayor proposed $300 for a Christmas Bonus. Shirl made the motion. Kirk seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
A road sign at 470 north was next on the agenda. The road sign for the 470 north and Highway 89 intersection is on the East side of the Highway. The ambulance had a difficult time finding the correct road. The town is going to check into seeing if it is okay to move the road sign.
A Project Permit for John Murray was next on the agenda. He is wanting to obtain a permit for a garage behind his house at 85 S. Center. Shirl made the motion to approve the building permit, and Kirk seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.
The Mayor opened the floor to those not on the agenda.
Lonnie Kiser brought to the Board’s attention that the flag outside the Community Building needs to be lit at night. The Board is going to order a solar light for the flagpole.
Garrett Clark wanted to discuss the lack of EMT’s in town. Circleville is in need of EMT’s. Anyone interested please contact Piute County at 435-577-2408.
Stacie Gass was in attendance to talk about restrooms by the Pavilion at the Elementary. She is working on a grant for these restrooms. There is an Outdoor Recreation Grant available. Special Services will also contribute to the restrooms.
The Town Board discussed the Airbnb’s in town. They feel as if these Airbnb’s need to be paying for a business license. The Town will look into the number that are in town and require them to have a business license.
Next on the agenda was the discussion of the definitions of the setback rule. The rule is 30 feet from the property line bordering a road and not 30 feet from the side of the road. The rule is 12 feet from property lines not bordering a road.
The Town Board discussed the purchase of a backhoe next. The backhoe purchase price is $55,000. Kirk made a motion to approve the purchase, and Shirl seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Rios Miramontes asked about purchasing some of the leftover Rotomill. The town agreed to allow him to purchase what he needed.
A Dump Trailer has been found for $6,900. Kirk made a motion to approve the purchase. Shirl seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Next, the Mayor opened the floor to departments.
Water: Troy is in the process of fixing broken meters.
Cemetery Department: The Town would like to thank the Edgar and Ellen Fullmer Family for their donation to the Cemetery Fence Fund. The town is open to suggestions about what type of fence should replace the current fence.
Parks and Recreation: The Town Thanksgiving dinner is scheduled for Monday November 18, 2019 at 6pm. The council would like to thank Priscilla for all the work she put into the dinner.
The bills and budget variance reports were presented and reviewed by the council. Mike made a motion to approve the bills and budget variance reports and adjourn; Kirk seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 pm.
[Disclaimer: This document is a transcription. While it is believed to be current and accurate, it is not warranted to be so. Should any inaccuracies or omissions be found, please notify circlevilleutah.org for correction. Divergence from the original in format and pagination are to be expected. As a transcription, this is not a legal document in itself, and should not be considered binding, but merely a convenience for reference by the Community. Copies of the original document can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Clerk, Town of Circleville, Utah.]